Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Midweek Wednesday

[CuRRent MooD:] Relaxed, ted hungry

[CuRRent Song:] Klubbingman - Highway to the Sky

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The Bottom Line

Once, everything was crystal clear. But now, the fog has obscured your view.

In Detail

As nostalgic as you're feeling at the moment, it would be easy to let yourself get down in the dumps. But what purpose would that serve? We all think there's something we'd do differently if we had the chance, but why dwell on changing the past? Everything you've ever done has made you the person you are today. Be glad for everything that's happened, good and bad, and look to the future.

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Friendster horoscope. I would say that it is pretty interesting to say the least.

Jus helped someone did her blog stuff. Lousy coding the original owner has - I can do better than that. Hehe gonna start doing some bo liao stuff like creating themes for my Series 40 phone, and if I'm done, den over to Series 60 phone. It sounds easy, but I don't think so.

I jussss loveeee customizing stuff.

Ok school does have stuff to do. Better be gone. Will be back for updates.


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