Thursday, October 26, 2006

Day 10 & 11 of Poxication

[CuRRent MooD:] Tired, fine

[CuRRent Song:] DJ Valium - Doing It Again

[Last FooD/BeveRage:] "Gor" Fish + Rice

Morning went to see doctor and wait...backtracking really sucks, now I mixed up everything. Never mind....I think I'll forgo day 10 since it's nothing too much apart from pox clearing up.

Anyway, went to see doc in the morning...yeah, den it went like dis...

Doc: How are you? Still feeling bad?
Me: No, apart from the first few days when it's bad, now it's better.
Doc: What? It's still bad now?
Me: No...I mean first few days. It's better now apart from the 2 pox on the leg.

(points to ankle and foot)

Doc: Oh my, it means you have not fully recovered.
Me: Which means?
Doc: I think it might still be contagious. I should give you tomorrow MC.
Me: (...) Oh ok...den how? Means I cannot go out?
Doc: Not really. You must not go too crowded places with lots of people. To be exact, do not be too close to lots of people. Infection level is very low now but just in case.
Me: So means can go out in general but avoid close contact?
Doc: Yeah. Does your work need to work closely with people?
Me: Yeah, work close with pple, GSK. We first line support.
Doc: Ok lah den I give you until Sunday MC. Den u come back on Sunday ok? I write you letter.
Me: (thinking: letter?) Orh ok.
Doc: Meanwhile just apply calamine lotion.
Me: I've already stopped applying since it's not itchy. Only first few days itchy.
Doc: Never mind, just apply on those 2 pox that are still active.
Me: Ok...(do I need to?)

End of the thing. Was given MC till Sunday. In the end, the 2 poxes turned dark at the end of the day I came back.

Anyway went out walk a bit here and dere den come back. Wah, just these few hours I already super tired I took cab back on my last destination.

Oh well, Poxication over soon!!!


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