Friday, June 22, 2007

Good and bad...zzz

[CuRRent MooD:] Tired

[CuRRent Song:] None

[Last FooD/BeveRage:] Mee Goreng / Carbonated orange drink

Good thing or bad thing first?

Bad things...well nothing too much really, got shot multiple arrows today to do quite some stuff. Now still waiting for vendor to arrive.

Good things...

I've approached my manager for a transfer of project away from GSK. From what I hear, there is another project with regards to contract, vendor and project management, which is certainly a direction I would love to try! With that type of experience in me, my resume will be more geared towards a managerial role! If say I could get on this project and last for at least a year over, I'll be so well equipped wif actual skills as well as my degree (if I can survive passing every module), so I have a boost of confidence I'm a step closer to what I want to be!

Yesterday I went for my orientation at the Delta Campus, PSB ended rather fast and somehow I managed to arrange a meetup with Michelle! It's always a thing of me to meet Michelle as it's hard to meet up wif her (studies, boyfriend etc) for as much as I eventually we got our asses down to Vivocity where we met up with another friend of hers, Jocelyn (whom I've met before about 2 years back) and we went to the open area to sit and chat. Good times end fast, time to go home, yeah that's just it.

I appreciate every moment out with my close and loved ones.

[ Updated 1520 hours ] Another good - I got my company to deduct the extra bonus in 2 installments. At least I can eat better-tasting grass. Haha.


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