Friday, June 26, 2009

A tribute to the King of Pop - Michael Jackson

[CuRRent MooD:] Sadded

[CuRRent Song:] Britney Spears - Womanizer (in my mind it's Mike's songs)

[Last FooD/BeveRage:] Famous Amos chocolate chip cookies

It is so sad to know that King of Pop Michael Jackson passed away with suspected cardiac arrest. Here is a tribute for him...

The news:
Seattle Pi

The official site:
Michael Jackson - The Official Site

The Wiki site:
Wikipedia - Michael Jackson

As I said to my friend, I hoped his last moments was a quick death and not a painful one lasting for minutes. There might have been so much about his off-the-scene things, but to me he's forever my King of Pop, forever Michael Jackson, and is forever the one and only King of Pop.

Let me go search some youtube vids and bid our last farewell to the Pop Icon, Michael Jackson.

I think some embeds are disabled by default, so...

Beat It

Once again, Rest In Peace, Michael Jackson. You will be remembered.


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