Friday, December 11, 2009

A new workplace, new life, new challenges?

[CuRRent MooD:] Tired

[CuRRent Song:] None

[Last FooD/BeveRage:] Iced Milk Tea

It is my 4th working day today (okay it's the 5th working day of the week but unfortunately I was on MC on Wednesday so hence the numbers) - things have been fine so far, on off stupid issues like the M1 iPhone promo and stuff, things are still okay at the moment.

Nothing too new on the new job apart the switch commands (we'll be handling basic Cisco switch commands) and the monthly reports doesn't look too tough apart from it being mundane (of course, bearing in comparison with good old days in GSK, such reports are like nothing of that sort). Then again, have such a simple reporting system in the new place does have its plus and minus. I hope I have enough chances to learn something new from the job so I can add on more value...well of course, then now being "Team Lead" certainly adds that little more credibility to my resume on my next job when will my real challenge come? ;)

Things aside, usually at this time of the year I'll be blogging about Christmas and stuff and guess I should be. And I should be catching up on my graduation stuff but the pics are mostly in my facebook account. Do look for me if you know me personally in life or if you play apps like Castle Age.

See ya!


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