Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Time flies

[CuRRent MooD:] Fine

[CuRRent Song:] None

[Last FooD/BeveRage:] Curry Chicken + Fishcake + Rice / Herbal Tea

People say I've not updated my blog for a long time. Yeah, I think it's a month since my last update. So what has changed?

I just formally completed my second module with a gruesome exam yesterday, and Serene insists I get a Distinction of some sorts...grrr how sia?? Can pass I already giggle liao.

Work-wise, I'm waiting for the transfer to another project but so far little updates as few would like to travel far to GSK to work so...I really don't know how I should react. Got so many things to tie up loose ends, I hope I can get them done by the week. So instead of just waiting, I am getting my contacts to intro jobs to far I've sent 2 resumes and praying that some form of response would arrive.

Personal life wise...ehm, hope that everything will resolve by itself ba. A bit too lazy, a bit too afraid of looking at the future. Dunno what or who should I follow. Haha.


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